7 Items, 7 Days, 7 Months - Day 9

7-7-7 Challenge / Day 9

Please forgive me for breaking the rules yet again.  Instead of seven individual items, I've collected seven piles.

I'm one of those people who does not know the meaning of MODERATION.  I try, I really do!  My excuse for not stopping with seven items today is that DH and I are closing on our new home in a few short weeks!!!  That's my excuse and I'm sticking with it...

Today's 7-7-7 Challenge consists of (by piles):

  1. Hangers
  2. Books
  3. 35 Millimeter Camera, Lenses, and Case
  4. To-Go Coffee Mugs
  5. Seat Cushions
  6. Flight Manuals
  7. Instructional Books
Instructional books are different than novel type books, right?  These items were all donated to our local charity.

We're getting closer to simplifying our life and yet it seems as though we have miles to go.  There are still five more months of this challenge after these seven days are over.  I'm confident we will reach the finish line.

How do you stay focused on your long-term goals?  How is this week's challenge working for you?

P.S., Please share your seven items for today in the comment section below.

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