Pumpkin Carving Ideas

Have you been to the pumpkin patch yet?  Here are some ideas to get your creative carving juices flowing.

We have scary, adorable, and the old fashioned jack-o-lantern for you.  Before we get started, here are some sites that have FREE pumpkin carving templates.

The Pumpkin Wizard starts us off with the adorable hello kitty pumpkin.  There isn't much out there that is cuter than a hello kitty anything.  I remember my first visit to a hello kitty store.  Wow!
Hello Kitty Pumpkin

My Avocado Life shows off one of the many Disney templates of characters we all know and enjoy.
Minnie Mouse Pumpkin

If you're into anything extreme, here are some works of art from Extreme Pumpkins that, unfortunately, will most likely not be sold at Sotheby's or Christie's anytime soon.
Skull-A-Day Pumpkin

Allen Ulbricht, who understands the difference between its and it's and when to use each, but according to him still has some difficulties with the proper usage of a comma (I think I do too).  Since we all have problems with grammar from time to time (even when it's the keyboard and not really us), we should probably forgive Allen for he was gracious enough to share his art work through pumpkin carving.
Scary Wolves Pumpkin

Have you heard of Deviant Art?  It's the world's largest on-line art community.  I didn't know that until I found LisaPumpkins by Lisa shows us the not-so-serious side of Lisa's artistic abilities.
Cheshire Cat

We are introduced to Reader's Digest simple and free pumpkin carving stencils by Daily Global Buzz.  Simple doesn't have to be boring and Casper is a prime example.
Leslie over at Funmoms shows us another way of looking at Halloween and pumpkin carving.  I must admit, I've not compared myself to a pumpkin but perhaps I should.

Do you use stencils or are you more of a free-hand carver?  How early in the month of October do you visit the pumpkin patch or typically carve your pumpkin?

Please share with us your pumpkin creations - whether that be carving, painting, or cooking.

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Substance of Living


  1. Hey
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  5. Love these pumpkin carving ideas! 🎃 Adding a touch of creativity to my Halloween this year. How about trying glow-in-the-dark paint for a spooky twist? 👻 #HalloweenFun-StyleSphere Spotlight

  6. Love these pumpkin carving ideas! 🎃✨ How about adding glow-in-the-dark paint for a spooky twist? 👻 #CreativeCarving-StyleSphere Spotlight

  7. I love all of these creative pumpkin carving ideas!


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