I am my Father’s Daughter
Although I look more like my mother, I am truly my father’s daughter. He taught, and continues to teach, me to believe in myself and fear not what lies ahead. One of his favorite quotes is “I am not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today” by William Allen White. Not only is this one of my dad’s favorites but he also lives his life in this manner.
Daddies should be every little girl and boy’s hero.
My dad is still my hero.
I remember my dad removing a splinter from my finger and
all the while talking to me so that I didn’t even know he was done. I still smile at this memory. As a teenage girl, my dad was the one that I
went to when I needed advice about boys.
These days there are a few miles and a phone between us
but I still run to my dad when I need advice or to discuss my bountiful load of
ideas. I am very fortunate that my
father is still alive and very much a part of my life.
“I have a premonition that soars on silver
wings. It’s a dream of your
accomplishment of many wondrous things.
I do not know beneath which sky or where you’ll challenge fate. I only know it will be high. I only know it will be great!” – Anonymous
Dads, Fathers, Daddies – none of you have an
easy job and yet you make it look effortless.
You stay up late worrying about your family, work hard all day long, and
somehow still have enough in you to sample our newest gastro-invention, play
games with us, help with homework, and listen to our problems.
Before I was myself, you made me, me
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