SoL All-Purpose Gluten-Free Flour Mixture

Gluten-Free Bread using SoL All-Purpose GF Flour

Are you new to the gluten-free world?  Are you still reeling from your last trip to the grocery store when you had to pay a fortune for a small box of all-purpose gluten-free flour mix?  Many of us feel your pain.

There are times when purchasing pre-made bread or mixes are necessary but with a little investment of time, you can have your own mixture at hand when you're home.

It has taken me a number of years, trials, errors, almosts, and many other attempts to come up with a flour mixture that can be used for bread, pancakes, rolls, and other various baking/cooking needs.  I'm in the process of coming up with a light mixture for delicate cookies and pastries.  Stay tuned.
Gluten-Free Pancakes using SoL All-Purpose GF Flour
Gluten-Free "IHOP" style Buttermilk Pancakes

The wish was to come up with a mixture is that fairly readily available in grocery stores, Wal-Mart, and of course health or specialty foods such as WholeFoods.  Not only that but reasonably priced flours and starches.  Now, instead of paying upwards of $6 a loaf of bread or bread mix, I can average about $2 a loaf and sometimes less with coupons or sales.  That's when hoarding, I mean stocking up is a good thing.  :-)


  • 3 Parts Brown Rice Flour
  • 2 Parts Soy Flour
  • 2 Parts Sorghum Flour
  • 1 Part Potato Starch
  • 1 Part Corn Starch

Parts were used rather than actual measurements so that you can make as little or as much as you'd like.  If you make a bunch it will help save time when you're baking or cooking.

This recipe was made possible by trying my own concoctions as well as the following flour mixtures.

My sincerest THANK YOU is sent out to the creators of these recipes.  Please visit the above websites and get inspired by these wonderful people and the endless possibilities.

What gluten-free flour mix do you use most?  Have you tried making your own mix or do you prefer to use a ready-made mixture?

P.S.,  When "Flour" or "All-Purpose Flour" is listed in recipes here on Substance of Living, this is what is being used.

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Substance of Living


  1. Thanks so much for the great information Marie,and for sharing this week at The Gathering Spot :)

    1. Diane,
      It was my pleasure. It was by chance I found your link-up and what a delightful surprise to find so many goodies within your website and all those who shared.


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