Happy Mother's Day

Aren't mothers the best?!  There are just some things in life that only mothers understand.  They know when to talk, when to remain silent, they are in our corner whether they agree with our decisions or not.

This year, with the help of letterwhiz, I'd like to publicly write my mother a letter.

Dear Mom,

I wish you a Happy Mother's Day today, but also wish you many other happy days as well.

You are the one person who has always been there for me, to support me when I needed a hand, to nudge me along when I needed to let go. You were there when I needed to cry, allowed me to yell when words failed me, and stayed up with me all night when I was sick.

I love you, and appreciate everything you have ever done for me. A Happy Mother's Day is the very, very least I could begin to wish for you in return.


One of the many fun activities provided by the Disney Family Fun website.

You are welcome to use my letter as an example to write your mother, or how about Disney's fun letter that you can create on your own stationery.

If neither one of the options above sparks your creativity then there is this beautiful letter written by Dr. Mia Rose A Letter to Mom on Mothers Day thanking Mom for all the words of wisdom that have made us better people.

For all of you that are mothers, even to critters, we wish you the best Mother's Day of all!


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