7 Items, 7 Days, 7 Months - Day 5

I was in a bit of a contemplative mood today and it seems to be showing in the items chosen for Day 5 of the Challenge.  Letting go of the past and embracing the future can be a little scary.  We have an innate ability to fear the unknown.  Think about the last time you went on an interview or had to speak in front of a group.  I'll bet you had more than a couple butterflies flying around in your belly.  I know I did!  After taking a deep breath and visualizing along with practicing, those butterflies showed me that I too could change and handle challenges.

Today's Items:

  1. Tennis Shoes
  2. Hiking Boots
  3. Rick Warren's book "The Purpose Driven Life"
  4.  Silk Floral Plant
  5. AM/FM Alarm Clock
  6. "Snow Falling on Cedars" by David Guterson
  7. Nicholas Sparks "A Walk to Remember"
Fear is that circuit breaker that trips when it senses danger ahead.  Fear is a good thing when it's our sixth sense warning us but it can also paralyze us when based on unfounded circumstances.

What do you fear and how do you confront your fears? 
My fear is not contributing to the greater cause.  I want to look back on my life knowing that I made a difference.  Hopefully I will have made the world a little better by standing up for those who are unable, speaking up for those who cannot speak, by sharing my accomplishments as well as missteps in hope that someone else will learn.


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