Transorm Your Home into a Spa Retreat
Last night, DH and I were talking about cruises, retreats, bed & breakfasts, presidential suites, and how we can take those wonderful places and make them a part of our new home. It's not like we have a staff of employees or a personal chef to provide us with turn-down sheets and specially made meals or to pack a picnic basket but we should be able to make the ordinary extraordinary. We started bouncing around words and ideas that conjure up feelings of contentment: Aromatherapy, plush bedding, chocolates, fancy soap, luxurious towels, colors on the walls, bird feeders, sounds of the ocean. Hey! These are all things we can have at home - and at reasonable prices. A retreat is a place where we go to be pampered, relax and to forget life's stresses. Why not make our home our retreat? We can start small by incorporating a few things at a time. We will find ways around obstacles such as wanting a fireplace when we don't have one or have the space...