September - A Beginning or an Ending

Have you ever looked at September as an ending? After all, school starts in many locations in the northern hemisphere, the fall solstice begins on September 21st. This is right around the time we say goodbye to summer and start seeing changes in the weather or the turning of the leaves. I think of September as sort of a beginning and ending in the same breath. Yes, those things I've mentioned do happen but it's also a time for gathering. We harvest our gardens and prepare them for the next year. That's my ending. The beginning is my birthday, which I celebrate the entire month. This is also when I evaluate or reflect on the year and set my intensions for the next year instead of using January 1st. It seems that I remain faithful to my goals. My new year's resolutions used to be quite lofty - workout every day, get organized, stop eating junk food, etc. By January 2nd I felt like a failure. September is also the ...