
Showing posts from March, 2014

Art Class - A Video

Class, pay extra close attention to our guest teacher today.  We're going to learn how to draw a rainbow. Tweet this Post P.S., Your purchase through affiliate links will provide Substance of Living with a small stipend and help its continued efforts to bring you quality posts such as this one. Please share me with your friends! If you enjoyed this post, please do a friend and me a BIG favor and forward this email. If you received this email from a friend and you'd like to see more, please sign up today . Don't miss out on future articles. Have Substance of Living delivered directly to your inbox.  THANKS!

Pine Brothers Softish Throat Drops - A Product Review

  Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial. Before we get started with our product review, let's learn a little about Pine Brothers: "Ulysses S. Grant was President, the population of America hovered at 39 million, and the telephone was still a pipe dream, when in 1870 J. Herman Pine hung out a confectionery shingle on 8th Street above Walnut in Philadelphia and, along with his brother, sold their first batch of what they called 'Pine Brothers Glycerine Tablets.' In an attempt to relieve his own sore throat and those of his family members, Mr. Pine, a former German confectionery maker, determined that by combining the soothing natural qualities of glycerin with the healing properties of gum acacia, he could sooth and mitigate the mild discomfort of a sore throat. Add in some natural flavoring and a sweetener and voila, Pine Brothers Softish Throat Drops were born. "I have discovered something," Pine wrote, "which will g...

Creating Your Destiny

Creating Your Destiny You can begin controlling your life's destiny today.  It doesn't matter where you are in your life, your career, or anything else as long as you begin believing in yourself today.  Sure, there will be slips down the slide but each time you will come back stronger and healthier.  Healthier in the belief that you are on the right path. So, remember that your destiny begins with your thoughts.  That means no more negative self-talk or putting yourself down because you made a mistake. Who was it that first said we must take care of ourselves before helping others ?  I'm sure I'm paraphrasing but if we don't take care of ourselves and get ourselves on the right path, who are we to help others?  Here's a prime example: If you are dirty from working outside and don't wash up or change your clothes before bathing your children, who are also dirty from being outside, won't you get them dirty all over again after they get out of the b...

Taming Romeo - A Book Review

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial. Taming Romeo by Rachelle Ayala is a full-on sexy and very adult read leaving very little for your imagination.  Rachelle's style of writing is laced with powerful adjectives throughout enabling the descriptions to form a movie in one's mind. Evie Sanchez, a medical student, has returned home to nurture her broken heart and work in her family's Filipino restaurant.  What she didn't expect was to find her childhood secret sweetheart, Romeo. Romeo Garcia is the sexy bad boy that has graduated from a boy band into a promising acting career.  Romeo has also never forgotten his first love, Evie. The story revolves around Evie's struggle to fully acknowledge her unresolved feelings for Romeo and his need to find out why she left him, without word, the night of their prom. As much as I enjoyed Evie's antics from dumpster diving to debuting in the movies, and Romeo's relentless pursuit of truth ...

Fiber One® Protein Cereal - Product Review

General Mills Disclosure:  I received a box of each Fiber One Protein cereal shown above free in return for my honest opinion from General Mills through BzzAgent . Start your day with a big bowl of Fiber One ® Protein Cereal.  For the mornings you and your family don't have time to sit down to a wholesome breakfast, then be sure to have these incredible muffins on hand. It will be a tough call to decide which box of cereal is your favorite.  DH and I haven't been able to decide.  In fact, we hosted a brunch this past weekend serving both these cereals in bowls, muffins, and as granola for everyone to take home and eat later.  We asked them which flavor was their favorite and the overwhelming answer was, "Both!". Fiber One® Protein Maple Brown Sugar "A delicious granola cereal with the powerful combination of protein and fiber! It’s a perfect blend of wholesome goodness, the taste of maple brown sugar and our delightfully tasty sweete...

Bring Back Prayer and Thoughts on The National Anthem

You know how some things touch you even though you don't remember where you read, saw, or heard it?  Sometimes you might even misquote someone as having said something because you don't recall who actually said it.  I've done it!  In this case, I guess we're not really trying to misquote or give someone else credit, it is the message that we are trying to get across. I think that is what has happened with this editorial that was forwarded by a reader.  Don't get me wrong, I really do appreciate the emails and stories and this particular reader didn't actually give someone else credit, I think the message was simply forwarded onto me.  Thank you for thinking of me. The message is powerful and I believe reflects the feelings of many Christians around the world.  Let me stop there for a second, if I may.  I say Christians, but wouldn't any person feel strongly about their faith and want to stand up?  Stand up and have the freedom to pray. The f...

Light Spectrums: A Collection of Poetry ebook - A Book Review

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial.   Jessica Fuqua is an author of poetry and blogs about being a mommy at Shatterlion .  When I was offered the opportunity to review her collection of poetry, it was an absolute YES! It's been a long time since I've sat down with a poem, let alone a collection of different types of poetry. "I have chosen to release 25 poems in a novel today in celebration of World Poetry Day (March 21st) and the Spring Equinox (March 20th)." - Jessica Fuqua If you love nature, spring, and poetry, then you'll enjoy Jessica's beautiful words written in six styles. Haiku (Japanese style) - a poem written in three lines; containing 5, 7, 5 syllables respectively; seasonal reference Tanka (Japanese style) - a poem consisting of  5 lines and 31 syllables; 1st and 3rd lines have 5 syllables while the other lines have 7 syllables Triolet (French style) - a poem or stanza consisting of 8 lines; the first line i...

An Interview Introducting the Artist for MONA | ANOM

I am so honored to introduce you to one of my favorite artists and people -- Kristen Monacell. To give you a little background before you meet her, Kristen is one of those super talented artists that seem to be able to do anything.  She can paint, create amazing outfits, and as you'll see her ability maintains its high standards of quality in her jewelry. Here's a little secret that she'll probably want to clobber me for telling and that is that she is a little on the shy side so today is extra special because she opens up with us. One afternoon Kristen and I were sitting in her studio and the idea came to me to interview her.  All we had was my phone as a recorder so I've typed our conversation rather than having you sit through the not-so-great sound quality. Kristen Monacell Kristen, thank you for this opportunity to record our conversation and share with my readers.  So let's see, where do we begin - that's a good word - we'll begin at...

Book Club Reading Selection for March 2014

There's an old saying that says that March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.  I think it's a perfect time to take a vacation - even if that vacation is in the comfort of your own home through a book. Shall we start with a trip to Las Vegas or Paris, France? How far would you go to follow your dream career? WHAT STAYS IN VEGAS - written by Beth Labonte What would you do if you only had one year to live? CARPE DiEMILY - written by Riley J. Ford If you've ever had to make a tough decision that had the potential to alter your life, then you will enjoy this endearing story about a young lady who travels to Paris to forget a love lost and ends up finding her life. PLUM BLOSSOMS IN PARIS - written by Sarah Hina Would you consider the ability to read minds a gift or a curse? THE MIND READERS - written by Lori Brighton If you enjoyed this month's selection, please visit our Book Club to see what we've been reading...